
attach to it. This occurred with the cute little poem, "My Closet" published in #36. It was a nice piece and I'd like to be able to give credit to its author, but the original piece of paper had no name on it. Thanks to it's author anyway.


DISCONTINUANCE OF THE FEMMEMIRROR:---It was too bad but the Mirror had to be discontinued with #45 I just couldn't carry the load on top of everything else. Those who had subscribed on a yearly basis are entitled to credit for the issues they did not receive. As I can I've sent credit slips to such subscribers, but if you have some credit coming please ask about it so that you can have the use of your money.

V. CLIPSHEETS AND TV-TALES: ---Clipsheet #20 and Tales #4 were the last of these series published. As I have just barely been able to scrape together enough money to keep TVia going I have not been able to do anything with either of these. However, when my personal financial situation is cleared up the end of March I will begin to get ready for Clip #21 and Tales #5 and on, so please bear with me.

VI. VOL. 2 OF PINK MIRROR: ---I didn't publish this story and I didn't notice till it was called to my attention by a request for volume two that such a statement appeared at the end of the book. Unfor- tunately the author never did a second volume so far as I know, so I can't supply it, sorry!

VII. PERSONAL PROBLEMS; ---My domestic situation continues. The trial was set for Feb 10, but we were number 51 on the docket and they ran out of courtrooms and judges on the 29th case so it was put forward till March 31. If the Lord is with me maybe I can get out of the mess then. Thanks to so many of you who have sent my your words of strength and encouragement during this ordeal.


GROUP SUBSCRIPTIONS:---With the demise of the Mirror there ceases to be any need for a group sub-